Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)

エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)

Baron Volume 8
(六田登, MediBang)


エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang)エロ漫画Baron Volume 8(六田登, MediBang) 続きはこちら

In almost no time Mizuno succeeds in creating his own dictatorship in Japan. However, the unruly Kowloon has ideas of his own, and seeks to destroy both Japan and the world using the most terrifying power known to the human race – nuclear energy. Faced with a nuclear explosion that could cause nationwide destruction, Riku, now alone, does his best to try and stop Kowloon’s wild attempts to eliminate all of human life. As the conclusion of this riveting series draws to a close, stay tuned for the thrilling finale!

229 pages 


タイトル Baron Volume 8
作者 六田登
カテゴリー 成人コミック(商業誌)単行本DLsite単行本DLsite
ファイル容量 122MB
ジャンル 学生SFシリアスファンタジーバイオレンス